Edubase places the focus on lifelong learning. We think that reliability, neutrality, transparency, team spirit and fun are essential elements of further education, which is why we believe in providing personalised advice and maintaining direct contact with our customers.

Learning and working with e-books
Edubase is an independent e-book platform for educational institutions – a modern library for digital training materials. Publishers and self-publishers can manage their content and publish it in a digital format via Edubase. More than 100,000 users use Edubase, some of them on a daily basis. Over 7,000 titles are available from well over 250 publishers, associations and educational institutions.
It would be impossible to imagine today’s educational landscape without digital training materials. Many publishers operate their own e-book solutions and a lot of colleges would like for there to be one single platform. That is precisely where the subsidiary of Careum comes in – Edubase is a modern e-book platform that publishes content from a variety of publishers in one single location.
The e-books are stored online and can be accessed by users through their own personal account, allowing teachers and trainees alike to log in from a device of their choosing. Not only is the Edubase Reader great for reading, it is also ideal for learning, as it gives you the option to mark passages of text as you would in a hard copy book. You can also make notes, draw sketches, attach multimedia content and share it with others.
At the interface between college and publisher
Edubase was established on the initiative of a synergy of colleges. As the leading e-book platform for educational institutions, it has evolved into an important partner for publishers of teaching materials. Publishers and self-publishers alike can use Edubase to conveniently tap into new distribution channels. In order to convert a text into an e-book, all you usually need is a print-optimised PDF. It is also possible for colleges and teachers to publish their own documents or lecture notes as e-books at low cost and distribute them themselves.
Yet, in spite of all the digitalisation it employs, people are always the top priority for Edubase – direct customer contact, a broad range of training courses and personal advice are naturally part of this. With a focus on user-friendliness, Edubase is continuously being advanced and enhanced in line with customer requirements

Digital training materials have evolved into a firm fixture in the classroom. Image: Benjamin Hofer/Edubase
Further information
Values and vision
Funding body and partner
Edubase was founded by the Careum and the Kalaidos Education Group in 2015, and is currently in the midst of a successful growth phase. The company is the exclusive subcontractor of LookUP! for Switzerland and can count printer Edubook and mail-order book sellers DLS Lehrmittel, Edupartner and Eldar Media as part of its network.