Careum Educational Center
Vocational and PET college for health care professions
As a state-of-the art and pioneering educational center for health care professions, we prepare our trainees and students effectively for their day-to-day work in the health care sector.
At the Careum Campus in Zurich, we offer our trainees and students eight practical training courses in the health care sector in immediate proximity to our key practice partners and the University of Zurich. The range of courses comprises the vocational colleges for Social Care Assistants, Care and Community Health Assistance Professionals and Medical Device Technicians and the PET colleges for Nursing, Biomedical Analytics, Medical-Technical Radiology, Surgical Techniques and Dental Hygiene.
More than 2,440 trainees and students, 180 permanent employees and around 300 instructors are what make the Careum Educational Center the leading educational institution of health care professions in German-speaking Switzerland.
The place to be for practical training
The trainees and students use realistic case studies to learn the theoretical knowledge and skills they need in a modern and practical environment. The transfer of this knowledge into practice and day-to-day work life is guaranteed in close cooperation with the teaching and internship institutions. Individual mentoring and learning support, a digital learning platform and a learner-friendly campus encourage the trainees and students to become independent and develop the ability to learn autonomously.
Providing high-quality training is important to us. That is why the Careum Educational Center is certified in accordance with the European Foundation for Quality Management model.
Working together to achieve our mission
Ever since the Careum Educational Center was established in 2005, all its employees have been pursuing one mission – to dedicate ourselves to providing high-quality and practical training to specialists in the health care sector. As a pioneering educational centre for health care professions, quality and innovation are at the heart of everything we do. This is illustrated in our corporate strategy and is also firmly established in our culture. We reflect on our work, take on responsibility and think in a forward-looking manner.
Our corporate philosophy as a state-of-the-art training centre is laid down in our mission statement, which was developed as part of the joint effort of our employees, Management Bard and Board of Directors. The educational mission statement also defines our understanding of “good teaching”. It forms the basis for the orientation framework that guides our behaviour as educators and acts as a reference point for the further development of our teaching quality.
Strong backing
As a charitable public limited company, the Careum Educational Center is underpinned by Careum, the Stiftung Diakoniewerk Neumünster – Schweizerische Pflegerinnenschule and the University Children’s Hospital Zurich – Eleonore Foundation. The three funding organisations have a total of 500 years of experience in teaching health-related and general subjects and professional skills.